After the week long refrigerator trauma and a broked-down truck (but its fixed now), my moms decided it was time to goes to the country to see "HER Lucy".
Now, Lucy is technically just our step-sister since
(A) she lives in da country, not at the big dog house with us
(B) she is not a wienerdog....
(C)she is not only NOT a wiener dog...she is NOT a dog at all.....
She is a DONKEY!

Nows, you aren'ts supposed to tell Lucy she is a Donkey. She thinks she is just a big ol' doggie...and sometimes she thinks she is a hooman! sigh....
Moms just loves her to death....when she gets to the country, hers and Lucy hugs each other and hangs out together fur hours and hours and hours.
My mom thinks she is just the most beautiful girl. We weinerdogs discuss this quite often, and can't quite sees the attraction. I means, really.....she has such long legs and big, tall ears that don't even hang down! But she does have quite a personality and does lots of funny we took a vote and decided she could be our step-sister.
I wish we could all lives together in da country....but my moms keeps 'splaining bout needing to live in the city fur now....something bout needing to makes enough green papers at her work. (sigh...)
I dont know bout all that. I think it would be just lovely fur us all to lives together all the time.
"Til next weekends, Lucy.....a big kiss on the nose!"

Is you sure your mom is right in da head? That's ok, my mum's not quite right eithers...hehehehe! Now you haves a fine specimen of a step-sissie theres...even though hers don't looks regal like us and all. But her is very pretty to be of another breed.
I wisheded we lived in da country too...sigh!
Hahahaha...we were on each bloggies at da same! We alls hads spit all overs us but then we HAD to haves a torturous baff...that was worse than da actual battle.
Well even though Lucy isn't a real Dachshund, I am sure she likes to Pretend she is. If she is nice and fun and sweet and stuff I think it would be OK. Of course it would be better if she could dig holes.
Giggle... Reminds me of my dad and Fanny. Fanny was NOT a donkey. She was some sort of special variety... a spotted ass? Anyway, Fanny was a special treasure too, and I'm sure our dogs and cats (and the horses) didn't get what was so special about her either.
We saw one of these things like Lucy near our Granny's house. They are are big. That'd be a huge dog is she was a dog. She's cute though. Mom said "awwww" at the picture of your Mom and Lucy. :)
~Milly and Shelby
Lucy is adorable. We can see why your mom loves her so much.
Love Ruby & Penny
I can see why your mom likes Lucy! She is sort of cute! We used to have some equine cousins, but not anymore. I hope you all get to live together sometime soon!
I am glad you doxies voted in favor of allowing Lucy to be your step-sister beclaws Lucy looks like a very nice girl to hang out with! I think she would love it if you and your pup siblings would move to the da country to be with her! Now, I've never met a donkey before butt if you like 'em then I am sure I'll like 'em too!
Daisy the Coonhound
Oh Minna,
You sissy Lucy is beautiful! You can tells she luvs your mom too!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
I Love Lucy! Hey, where have I heard that before?
Oh, I just luvs her! That picture of her and your mom is just the sweetest. And I think her ears are Most Magnificent! I thinks it was very much nice of you to adopt a new sister even though she's different.
Wiggles & Wags,
She is adorable (but not as cute as you!)
Your pal, PIp
Lucy is adorable!
I hope one day you all can live together and have lots of fun!
Kisses and hugs
guten tag miss minna!
that miss lucy may not be a wiener doggie, but i've got a soft spot in my heart for stick-up ears. heehee. she sure is a cute donkey lady. it's nice of ya'll to let her be your step sister. i agree with miss lorenza, and i hope some day ya'll can live in the country together!
the booker man
How nice of you all to take Lucy into the pack! They don't make wiener-horses or wiener-donkeys, so I think she's a good match for you all! Watch out for her hoofies though!
Brutus the Frenchie
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