I will be sure an keep you updated on his progress and training regimen....

PeeS ...as edited by Rooney....
The TRUTH why MinnaKrebs can't be in any races is that she is the worlds BIGGEST scaredy- cat (or should I say, scaredy-dog) My mums is afraids that MinnaK would collapse in a fit if the peoples at the wienerdog races made any kinds of big noise to start of the race. BOL! I thinks she would just stay in the starting box and never come out. Laters, Rooney
Oh dear Minna...I'm afraid this is not good. You must be vindicated fur Rooney editing your post. You know I am all bouts some payback.
Really, what is da point in running if you ain't even running afters anything like a squirrel. I don't get it myself. I likes to run and all but I haves to have a good reason,you know. And belive me, I can run in a dress if I must. I haves done it many many times.
Keep us updated on the race.
Woof! Woof! I say COOL! It should be lots of FUN. But I do agree about you being concern re Fashion. For sure you'll figure it out n have FUN at the same time. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
YAY! It sounds like fun. Keep us posted on your training progress and don't pays any attention to Rooney, he is just trying to psych you out.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Have fun training Rooney and good luck.
Love Ruby & Penny
Oh dont pay any attention to Rooney!! Yes, a fashion "diva" girl like yourself cant be gettin all sweaty and get your dress all messed up. I say go, watch, cheer Rooney and have a great ole time!! Let us know how it goes.
Oooo! Races! Now this sounds like fun! I can help you train for it if you want! I was a professional racer, you know. I wish I could enter!
Sounds like fun!
I don't think we could be in a race either. If they made any noise to start the race we'd probably be too busy barking at the noise to run! :)
~Milly and Shelby
Good luck, Rooney!
Kisses and hugs
Thanks for visiting us. We like new furiends. About racing... well just get Some of those fancy clothes made of spandex & stuff, maybe they could have flowers or lil sparkly stuffs on them. she would be a fashionista...
Hi there Mina! Saw your comments on our blog & got your email about Flat Brutus (mom is writing you back as I type). I'd LOVE to do some racing, speed is one of my specialties!! Nice to meet you, see you around!!
Brutus the Frenchie
Hi Minna K. I can't wait to hear how You got your grrreat name and Rooney's too. I can tell that you are tooo ladyLike to do that silly hot sweaty racing thing. Let Rooney Run. I'm just sayin'.
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