Furst of all, A big thanks to MAXMOM for her Unity in Diversity blogs during the World Cup. I decided to pawticipate, and OF COURSE, my country of choice is GERMANY.
I thoughts the choice was obvious (heehee) since the dachshund country of origin is Germany. Butts, my mums family heritage and my name are also German!
I thought I might begins with sharing with you what my 'extensive' research has found about the dogs of Germany....
Dachshunds have traditionally been viewed as a symbol of Germany.
And beclaws of the association of the breed with Germany, the dachshund was chosen to be the first official mascot for the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, with the name Waldi. What an honor!!
Here's Waldi......

Wows....I found 43 breeds in all that haves their origins in Germany. I didn't know that so many of my furrends were fellow Germans! I, of course, am most knowledgeable about the dachshund but some other German dog breeds are:
German Shepherd (duh!)
Doberman Pinscher
Great Dane
Poodle (who knew??)
During my German dog research, I founds a few breeds that I have never, ever heard of....so I thought I would share a few with you:
Here is the Kromfohrländer. A very handsome dog with a BIG name

Here is a photo of the Large Munsterlander. Another handsome dog with an even BIGGER Name

And last, but certainly not least, my personal fav, the Pudelpointer! What a beautiful dog with a Pawsome name!!

Well, I hopes you enjoyed this little tour of the Dogs of Germany......we definitely are a diverse group.
Be on the lookout for my next Germany post on the 18th (the next time Germany plays in the World Cup)
Auf Wiedersehen
AAAHAHAHAHA... I am a Pudelpointer. Well, not really but my name is Puddles and I point just likes that when I stalk my prey...hehehe. I gots to get mum to takes a pikture of it.
You know those are most wonderful and beautiful breeds but there is only one important breed from da mudder land...the DOXE! Ok, nobuddy get offended by my statement. I is bias withs my own breed.
I haves NEVERS heard of those last three.
PEES: Did you know Doxies used to be be stoned n da streets cuz we was from Germany?
Great post Minna!
Well done! I totally agree...we are such a diverse group of humans. It's amazing...you can throw different breeds of dogs together and they all recognise that they are dogs. If they live together, they somehow work it out! Makes you think, doesn't it?!
Sending lotsaluv to you...and again...GREAT POST!
Thank you for participating in this initiative.
Very nice post Minna. I has never heard of those last three doggy breeds either. They sure is most beautiful, like the rest of us.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Those things have cool names... NOT as cool as Dachshund of course! :) Thanks for the extra bits of knowledge. Pretty cool!
~Milly and Shelby
I just knew Puddles would be all over that Pudelpointer Dawg like Squirrels on a branch. hehehe
I am soooo glad that you like my Name Game 4th of July post idea. I can't wait to learn about your name.
What an enlightening and interesting post, Miss Minna! I'd rather like to meet one of those Pudelpointers. Not that I wouldn't like to meet Miss Puddles, too, mind you!
What a smart poochie you are!! We're almost out of power here, so need to come back later (using our own blog). Thanks for visiting us!
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog and Hootie
Danke! For the diverse german dog post and the kitten visit :) I had a few blog posts prepared but now that the kittens are here, I don't think I'll be able to post about anything else for a while. BOL
Kia ora (that's a New Zealand Maori greeting) in reply to your Guten Tag. Riley here... just stoping by (from MaxMom's blog) to read your intersting post about German Dogs. I've met dachshunds and a Large Munsterlander, but not the other dogs you have photos of.
What a great post! I think the Kom...whatever looks like a rough coat Jack Russell a bit. I'm so glad you found my blog! You have a wonderful blog that I'm sure to enjoy.
Hi, Minna!
I loved your post!
It is very interesting to know about all those breeds from Germany!
Happy Sunday!
Kisses and hugs
We knew poodles came from Germany but we didn't know about all the others. That is pawsome info you shared.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Hi, Rooney, Minna, Ditto & Dude!!! So pawsome to "meet" you!!!
((((Hugs)) your friends
Oskar, Schatzi & Xena
Hi Minna, That was a very informative post. We'll be introducing various dogs from Portugal on the 21st.
It just hit me that I am like 37% German! My dee-en-ay test said I've got Boxer (German) and Wire-haired Doxie (German) in me. Wow! Who knew I would learn SO much from my dee-en-ay test? Guten dog! See? I'm even learning to talk like my ancestors.
Thank you, thank you for a very much great post!
Wiggles & Wags,
miss minna k,
what a grrreat informational! i learned lots about other german doggies. my favorite is the pudelpointer, too, cuz that is a ridiculously fun word to woof. :)
the booker man
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