Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Let's Talk Turkey

So by now, you might have guessed that my momma is a BIG fan of Snoopy and Woodstock

Well, last night her comes home with a BIG surprise fur us.....................................................

and I mean REALLY BIG.....................................................

Yeppers.....................her bought us da SUPER SIZED WOODSTOCK STUFFIE!!!!!      

My new-noname-still sister is trying to figure out how to handle a stuffie as long as her is!   My momma bought us a stuffie suitables for RH Mango-sized dogs!   Did my momma furget that her had dachshunds at home when her made this purchase???

and it gets WORSE........

OH THE HORROR!!!!!!   I am unable to watch as my other sister Ditto systematically works on de-stuffing poor Woodstocks.   
 Momma!  This is soooooooooo wrong!

Poor Woodstock..............

Don't forget!!!    Please join me in celebrating Thanksgiving and my Thankful Gotcha Day, by posting YOUR "Story of Me". 
  Remember you can write a post, share a foto, or whatever you wants......just share with BlogLand the Happiness of what it means to be YOU!    Here is da link to read more about it!!      And don't forget to remind me, by commenting, when you have posted it on your blog............. That will enter you in the BIG DRAWING to WIN $50 greenpapers to be donated to da charity of your choice!!!!!

AND there is more...................Frankie's Posting Pawty this week is a chance to share YOUR shopping list  fur your Humans!   ssssshhhhh......don't tell, butt I am thinking of buying my momma a gift certificate to da Shrink......her needs a little help!  


pam said...

Hi Minna - My mommy jus toldeded me that I got yer name in the Christmas exchange!!! I'm so excitabled. Mommy will be emailing yer mommy with the addy's and such. What's on yer Christmas list?


The Daily Pip said...

That woofiestock is super scary! I think it might be a gnome in disguise.

My mom is on vacation (insert sounds of corks popping and mama doing happy dance)and will be helping me with both of these special holiday posts.

Your pal, Pip

Unknown said...

That woofiestock is almost as big as you!!! We need one 3 times that size :)

Mack said...

Oh Minna,
THanks for the SUPER suggestion about the shrink gift card! My momma needs that bad!
We are still working on our adopteration stories and thinking on what we want to give mom for Christmas!

Minnie Moo said...


hehe, thanks for the awesome pictures. My brother Lincoln de-stuffs things too.

Love the woodstock though. I'm going to have to find my own.


Minnie Moo

♥ Sallie said...

Hopefully the gnomes will be conquered in time to celebrate!


Barbara said...

Trixie used to gut her stuffies too, and now Minnie does! It's fun!

I have to go find a big Woodstock!!

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Minna, your new sister still hasn't got a name? Now it's getting to be time to get serious. I think you should pick one and tell Momma what it should be. How about something from Peanuts? I mean she's a girl so it can't be Snoopy or Woodstoock, but there's still Peppermint Patty, Lucy, Violet, Sally just to name a few. Love the stuffy. Sorry about the insides of it.

lotsa licks, Lola

Maggie Mae and Max said...


I thinks Lola's idea is wunderful, her is so smart!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

PeeS Sorry 'bouts da stuffie

Backcountry Brodie said...

Psssst.... I think you should git your mom this so the poor new-no-name-still sisfur can has a name! http://www.amazon.com/Best-Pet-Name-Book-Ever/dp/0764144162/ref=dp_ob_title_bk

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Mack and Lola and Maggie Mae must all be thinkin' like ME.
Esp. Mack.. Now seeeeee this is why I thought we should SHARE our shopping ideas... Heck Fire... My mom Needs one of those ... gifty cards too... butt I don't even come CLOSE to havin enough green papers to pay fur all the Help SHE needs. I'm just sayin'. GRRRREAT Idea.
I LOVE the idea of choosin Missy No NameYet's moniker from the Peanuts cast. Unles of course... you would rather name her RubyPenny.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Maybe SHE was thinkin' of Lucy when she bought that Woodstock......or that you'd all play together. No tellin'

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

JacksDad said...

That is a huge Woodstock. I didn't know that birds got to be that big. Maybe he was in the microwave and got the radiation! :)

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

Wow your momma find the bestest toys ever! Where did she get it? It looks most fun.

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo

George The Lad said...

I think that's a great stuffie, it looks like a doxie!!!
I'll be going around the bloggies on Thurday as we have to work over here, to read the posts, I'm looking forward to it.
See Yea George xxx

Anonymous said...

WHOA! Do you thinks they make those Woodstocks in Mayzie size? That would be PAWSOME!

I've got my Gotcha Day story all written out and ready to post. And I'm even gonna tell the stories of my brudders and sister, too.

What abouts Hildy for your noname sisfur?

Wiggles & wags,

Wyatt said...

That is a really big stuffie to de-stuff! We have our gotcha story all ready! Happy Turkey Day!!

Wyatt and Stanzie

sprinkles said...

Funny! My boys don't tend to like toys bigger than them or that are very heavy so I have a feeling they probably wouldn't care much for Woodstock

houndstooth said...

Awww! Poor Woodstock! At least it wasn't Snoopy!

Our blog is all ready and will post on Thursday at midnight!


Lorenza said...

Huge toy!
I can imagine how much stuff it has inside!
Kisses and hugs

3 doxies said...

Nows, I has done da calculations in my head and I don't thinks dat ONE Woodstock can equally go around to 4 dachshunds.

I has just posted mine and Albert's atories. We will post Whitney's tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Oh no poor monster Woodstockie. Destuffed before his time :)

Waggin at ya,

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you :)

Dexter said...

If that stuffie is too much for you, just send it my way. Hehehe.


BRUTUS said...

Hey there Minna! We'll post our adoption tails tomorrow. I got to share mine last year, but Carmen is all about telling her story!

Brutus & Carmen

Unknown said...

Poor Woodstock! Hopefully he is still alright by now! Eva loves stuffies and she doesn't destuff them so she has her first stuffie until now.

The Daily Pip said...

Hey Minna - I just posted my Story of Me. I know a day early, but what can I say. The early bird gets the worm, right? Whatever that means!

Your pal, Pip

A MilShelb Mom said...

We posted our's, too! After we read Pip's we thought we would go ahead and post... plus, our Mom has no brain and the fact that she is sitting here helping my type meant I needed to take advantage of the situation and post it!
~Shelby (and Milly)
ps- We like Lola's idea- Peppermint Patty would be tooooo cute for a name!! Great idea!