Saturday, December 24, 2011
A Christmas Legend
Thursday, December 22, 2011
AVON Sale!!! SHE's Baaaaack
Looking for last minute Christmas gifts??????
Need a little 'pick-me-up' after the hectic pace of the holiday season????
Need to restock on your favorite wrinkle cream ??????
You have come to THE RIGHT PLACE!!!! Announcing.......................
Place your order NOW for some of the Holiday favorites......
- Reindeer Red Lipstick
- HollyBerries Nail and Hoof Polish
- Snowball Soft Face Cream
- Mistletoe Cologne (Guarantees LOTS of Smoochies)
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Love is in the Air Today
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Minna's Tip fur Keeping Cool
No 2 - Lay down in da hole and relax
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
Mani-Pedi Day at the Barn
Lucy and Justice were scheduled for hoof trims and new shoes (for Justice) and, of course, my momma was there with camera to document the fun had by all.
Picture quality is poor, due to lack of theater-style lighting in the barn
Alls well that ends well, though.
Lucy finally had her
Monday, July 11, 2011
Advanced Potty Training - Smile for a Monday
Be sure you haves your sound turned ups when you watch it (and watch all da way to the end....even after second set of words......BOL!!!)
Friday, July 8, 2011
Our Version of Where's Waldo
Can you find the spotted dachshund in the foto??
(my Brudder Rooney snoozing in his favorite blanket)
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Happy Birthday, USA !!!
We are so glad to escape the terribles HEAT in Texas.....and enjoy the tropical breezes, good food, good times and furrends at the Honorooroo Pawty, hosted agains this year by The Fiesty Three. Click here to get there with the quickness
See you at the beach!!!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Acceptance Speech
Friday, June 24, 2011
A Word of Warning
One of our furrends (who shall remain a nameless Duddles) learned da hard way..............
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
To my competition...
The view of me, my competitors in the Sack Race will have.
be sure to head to Crossed Paws and place your bet on a winner...
Lucy Donkey
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Meet Luigi
My momma did a rescue transport fur this handsome boy on Thursday. He came already Luigi!! This name made my momma giggle, cuz it don't sound like your normal doxie German type name!
A very nice vet, all the way out in Richmond Tx convinced his owners to give him up to dachshund rescue....because the vet had to treat him fur TWO broken legs at different times since January (we suspect abuse, butt obviously those people did not deserve to have a nice dog like Luigi)
Good news is that when my momma picked him up, they took the second cast off....and he is motoring around very good! He is ready fur his foster family.....and then to find his new furever home. We hope he finds it soon....
Some of you may remember a previous transportee, that my momma named TWIX....well, her was adopted!!!!! But now her name is Heidi. Congrats to Twix/Heidi!!!! (Pawsonally, I liked da name TWIX better....)
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
The 'dog'
So my momma was talking on da phone to Uncle Tommy last night. And while her was talking, her decided to fo to da front yard to turn off da water sprinkler (we ain't had NO rain in furever). Well, her is getting ready to go thru OUR gate.....and her sees a loose 'dog' hanging out by da gate (it was kinda getting dark by this time)
Uncle Tommy is talking away .....prolly nothing too important anyway......and my momma is peering at the 'dog'.....when all of a sudden da 'dog' turns and looks at her with its uber creepy beady eyes and snarl teeths.....My momma YELLS "Possum!!!" into da phone !!
Yeppers, it was one of those creatures straight from H-e-double hockey sticks, staring my momma down. (You might remember that da possums creep my momma out more than ANYTHING!!! And how we had to abandon our house when one of them was in our attic)
Her was entirely too traumatized about da whole event.. her still gets da creepers thinking bout I took da liberty of drawing a foto of da scene. (I think it is pretty lifelike, if I do say so myself)
Anyone know a possum hitman we can call???
Friday, May 6, 2011
Lucy Donkey, Realtor
Allow me to tell you about my very first listing....
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Deep Thinking
Here I am.....just contemplating the meaning of life.
Well....actually waiting fur da burgers to get done....Heehee. Butt da furst one sounded betters
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
OMD! Look What i Found
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Pawty Time ...... Here I Come!!!
I have been ready to leave fur about 87 hours........and finally my momma said it was time.....I was soooooooo happy......check out my video .......
Now, I just couldn't decide what the best snack to bring to the pawty..........We all had a different idea what the bestest snack or beverage would to avoid any arguments, we each decided to bring some of our favorite snackies....
I decided that I would bring my momma's favorite snack......NACHOS!!!! Extra cheese, of course
Pickles found the MOST PERFECT pizza especially fur Mr Pip..........Its a Cheeseburger and Fries Pizza.
Now fur those furrends that want a more traditional pizza.......Ditto decided to bring da regular style pizza......EXTRA toppings, of course
And, of course, Rooney wanted to make sure we had LOTS of everybuddy's favorite part of da Pizza.........PIZZA BONES!!!!
And finally, Lucy, decided to bring one of her favorite beverages to wash this all down....
Margaritas!!!! Feel free to order with or without salt
Now its time to Pawty............
Here's to da loverly Miss Ronnii......"Happy Birthday....and may you have many, many more to come"....and to my main guy Richie "We all love you and are honored to have you a part of our lives.....Run free and happy"
Friday, April 22, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
For My Handsome Pirate-Boy Richie
Run free, handsome boy...............
and until we meet again.
My love always,
Minna K
Thursday, April 14, 2011
A Special Pressie
Look at da surprise Uncle Tommy brought my momma cheer her ups during taxtime
Brand new personalized dog tags fur Big Red our truck!!!
He picked da words K9 Cabin cuz my momma always driving all us around and her likes volunteering to transport for dachshund rescue.
We loves it.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Happy Birthday to the Blogville Avon Representative
and in honor of her birthday...........all Avon orders placed today will receive the 5% Lucy's 5th birthday discount!!!!
(the small print.....This offer only valid on orders over $100...........a girl's gotta make a living, ya know!)
PeeS from me....MinnaK...
I miss you all very very much.......butt my momma promises that the tax dead-lion will be slayed by April we should be back to normal afters that. (Well, as normal as my momma can be!)
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Kiss Me.......I'm German!
Now if you are in the mood fur some real smooching.......stop by da Kissing Booths (click here) and find yourself an Irish Doggie or Leprechaun to Kiss!!!
Da Kissing Booths are open until Saturday!!! SMOOCH Away!!!
Monday, March 7, 2011
The Stuff We Must Endure
Case in point #1 - We have had a sudden burst of Springtime Weather round here lately. So early weather in the 80 degrees has led to an onslaught of UPA (Unplanned Flea Activities) in our yard. Now, my momma, keeps us on da Flea Preventions in da Summertime, butt not in da Winter. Who gets Fleas in February, early March???? Well, I guess WE did! So my momma applied da Flea Preventions, butt since this takes a few days to "kick in" and kill the creepy crawly fleas, her decided to give us all a spritz of da Flea Spray to keep da creepy crawlies from taking over our house.
So, yesterday morning, her gets out da Blue Bottle of Flea Spray.
Let me correct myselfs.......Her THOUGHT her had da Blue Bottle of Flea Spray. Unfortunately, her spritzed my sissie, Pickles, with da WINDEX!!! sigh.
Poor Pickles...............not only did her feel mistaken fur a glass mirror, butt then her had to have an unscheduled and unwanted BATH!!!
Case in point #2 - Our sudden burst of Springtime weather ended this weekend, and da temperatures changed from da 80 degrees to da 30s. Brrrrrrrrrr, right? All her needed to do was turn our heater on before going to bedtime, right? (Puddles, please ignore da part bout our heater actually working)
Well, our lack-of-functioning-brain-cells momma 'accidentally' puts on da AirConditioner instead of da Heater before going to bedtime!!!!! sigh. We gots 38 degrees OUTSIDE and my momma had da Air Conditioner humming away...and cooling us down INSIDE. sigh, again.
Luckily, we have fun Blogville stuffs to keep us from going insane, along with my momma.
Pickles is working on recipes fur da Bake Sale
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Is this how Julia Childs got her start??? |
And I am working on being her Taste Tester!!! Yummmmmmmmm!
The Blogville Bake Sale and Recipes is gonna be the most fun thing evers!!! Click on da link on my sidebar to take you to da new TastyNommies blog!!!!!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Is This How H&R Block got their start?
This year, her has been
Well, if her is working 'short handed'...........who betters to help her out than a Dachshund!!
We haves the most perfect short legs ever! And if her is short-pawed we are THE Ones to help
So, we have our short legs and paws helping her out...........working our little paws to the bone, I tell ya!!
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Pickles!!! Can you hand me the Form 4562 that needs to be included with this Form 1120-S, so I can move on to finishing Schedule E of the Form 1040?????? |
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I will get right on it, Minna! First I need to finish the depreciation and amortization calculations. |
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Is it time for a Coffee Break???? I'm getting some serious paper-cuts here......and I need to re-apply my Avon Lipstick! |