Fursts off...thanks to Frankie for thinking up this most pawsome game!
Seconds off...If anybuddy knows my moms, they knows that this topic is just purrfect for hers. You sees, she has this "THING" bouts her weinerdog names. She always be wanting to pick just the right name for each of her dogs.
Some of her dogs have had to waits for days and days and weeks and weeks to gets a name. And some of her dogs (several in facts) have had their names CHANGED cuz mom decided another name suited thems better...... And That brings us to my poor brudder Rooney and his Collection of Names......
When I was adopted by my mom, my name was Mr. Rogy (now I agrees this was a kinda odd name, so mom and I decided a change might be in orders) She 'studied' me for a few weeks, and
*Then my name becomed Rooney (this be short for Marooned..since my moms is a Texas Aggie and they be the Maroon color...get it??) So far, so good. BUTT not for my moms.
*Then my name becomed Daytona. (this lasted bouts a year)
*Then my name becomed Awesome. (this lasted onlys a week or two)
*Then my name becomed Shooter. (this lasted bouts six months )
*Then my name becomed J.C.
*Then my name becomed Archibald Leach (this was during hers Cary Grant phase)
*Then my name becomed Joey (bout this time....I didn't cares no more)
*Then my name becomed Mr. Dog
*Then my name becomed Rooney (Agains!)
Now, my current name has lasted bout 4 years or so. and we prolly forgots to include a few of my names, but you gets the idea...she has wanted to change it a few times since, butts all her friends think she crazy (duh)

This is me and my mom on my adoption day
circa 2003
Minna Krebs
When I was adopted by my moms, I came with the name Minka. This be an okay name.....but as you can see from my brudder Rooney's woes...my moms decided a different name be in order.
She looked at me and looked at me and decided that I reminded hers of a little ol' German woman. A little Hausfrau. So she kept tryings to think of good old fashioned German names. When she was talking on the phone with her sister, they was reminded of my moms GREAT-Grandmother, a lovely little German lady they called Oma Krebs. (She was called Oma, cuz that be the German word for Grandmother.) Low and behold, my moms remembered that Oma Krebs real name was Minna Krebs!
So that be who I am named afters.....my moms GreatGrandmother Minna Krebs.
Moms has looked and looked for a piktur of the real Oma Krebs to share wif yous...but so fars she can't finds one. You sees the hooman Minna Krebs was borned in the 1800s, and there are not lots of pikturs from back then. When we finds one, I will be sure to show yous.

This is me on my adoption day...heading to my new home
circa 2008
When moms got me, I was the furst boy-dog she had in a longs time. She also hads four girl-dog doxins at the time, so she thoughts it be cute if I had a 'manly' type name. So she named me Dude. And untils Rooney came alongs we were always known as "Dude and The Girls"
My mom DID want to rename me one time.......I almost becomed Walter (!?!?! we not sure bout her sometimes)
When moms got me, she had four other dogs and I was her Fifth doxin in bouts six years. So she was kinda running out of name ideas at that time. (wonders why) It tooks her almost two months, but she finally decided on Ditto......like the definition "the same, me too, again". She really wanted to name me Etc. instead, but that sounded a little weird (like this has ever stopped her befores) Strangely enoughs she hasn't evers really tried to change my name.
This is Dude and The Girls. Dude is the handsome young boy in the middle and that is me, Ditto, as a baby puppy in front. The others are our sisters who have gone on to da Bridge (Jazz, GigEm and Olive Oyl)
circa 1997
Well, that is the story of our names.........or at least our names fur now heeeheee.Ifs you ever see me posting to the bloggie and my name has changed....YOU KNOW SHE IS AT IT AGAIN!!
Your furrend,
Minna Krebs