Saturday, July 2, 2011

Happy Birthday, USA !!!

Wishing All Our Furrends a Most Wonderful 4th of July Weekend

We are so glad to escape the terribles HEAT in Texas.....and enjoy the tropical breezes, good food, good times and furrends at the Honorooroo Pawty, hosted agains this year by The Fiesty ThreeClick here to get there with the quickness

See you at the beach!!!    


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Happy Fourth to You and your CREW!!

Now about those cute TASTY.. umbrella drinkie poos... I prefer MY TIES myself... Butt they will put a brelly in there fur you if you ask...

BUTT.. aren't you gonna go with all the girrrrls? THEY are all goin "window Shoppin" at the outdoor mall that is two streets over. The Wives like to look in the Looey Voo Tawn store and stuffs.. You are more than welcome to go with them... They just headed to the lobby about 87 seconds ago.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Aloha... Pickles .. you and Lucy are welcome to go shoppin with the girrrrls too. Where ARE my manners.. Sorry.

Rooney can join us guys at the pool.

The Daily Pip said...

Are the girls gone? Good. Come on Rooney - I have got my special "for boy doggies only" cheeseburgers on the grill. Let's get this party started!

Your pal, Pip

Two French Bulldogs said...

Pawrty time!
Benny & Lily

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Hey, we're thawing out! Great to be in the warmth away from winter.

Don't forget your sunscreen....don't want to burn.

XXXOOO Daisy, kendra & Bella

houndstooth said...

Happy Independence Day to you, too!

We'll see you in Hawaii!


Anonymous said...

Hope you, your furiends and hoomas all have a

SAFE and

Happy 4th of July!

woos, Tessa

Amber-Mae said...

I'm at the party right now! Did you see the 5 of us there? We are splashing about in a gigantic pool. If you do see us, do say HI!

Duke said...

What a fun time you're all having, Minna K!
Happy 4th to you and your family!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

Minna K! Yep, I've heard y'all are gettin baked in the big state :( But now you're in Hawaii! Yippee! Kowabunga dudette! :D See ya there :)


kishiko said...

Hi Minna Krebs! Happy July 4th!
Have a wonderful holiday!
I want to go to HAWAII too!

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Happy Happy July 4th my furiends! I will see you at da pawty!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are all having a wonderful time at the luau - what fun with so many great friends!!! Happy 4th of July to you and all your family too!!

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Emma Rose said...

Happy 4th of July. Have a great time at the party :)

Emma Rose

Lorenza said...

Happy 4th of July to all of you!
Kisses and hugs

the booker man said...

miss minna!

happy happy independence day to you 'n your pack!! :)

the booker man