Furst off, I would like to thank everybuddy fur joining in on this Posting Pawty to help celebrate my designated Gotcha Day of Thanksgiving. You are all da best!!
My momma has been collecting da names of everybuddy who pawticipates and we will have da drawing fur the Grand Prize Giveaway on Sunday! I will announce da Winner, right here in BlogLand, on Monday's Post!
Now, fur A Story of Me....
What should I write??? My story is not too unusual |
My Gotcha Story is just like all of my momma's Dachshunds.....Simple.
Her gets 'da itch' fur another dachshund, hunts around rescue, shelters, etc etc fur one, and goes to buy it. |
This won't do at all..........I need a Gotcha Story with some intrigue and excitement
I need to write a Gotcha Story that is different than all da rest.
Maybe if I just start writing.....it will come to me.... |
like he said................It was a dark and stormy night in January 2008.
My momma was snoring sleeping soundly, butt kept hearing da sound of a dog whining away. This whining kept getting louder and louder and was keeping my momma from her much needed beauty rest.
My momma finally gets up to go check which one of her precious dogs was causing such a racket.
Suddenly, her noticed that the whining was not coming from inside our house......it was coming from the front yard!
Her peeked out da front bedroom window, and saw a young dog tied to a wooden stake right by da road!!
This young dog was whining and howling and twisting its body all around, trying to get loose from the wooden stake.
My momma goes outside and carefully walks up to this dog. Her had troubles getting it loose from da stake, because it has wound the WIRE string tightly round the stake and could barely moves. Also, da poor dog's collar was fur little puppy, and this dog was about six months old. Da collar was so tight, her had to struggle to get it loose.
My momma took da dog into our backyards and fed it and gave it water. Her thinks that some awful peoples dumped an unwanted Christmas Puppy because a large Christmas Holiday bag was found next to the wooden stake.
So you think this is the STORY OF ME, Minna Krebs, huh?
This is da story of how my Cousin Elvis Pawsley came into our lives......
Here is a foto of Elvis taken da vey morning he was dumped found
Would you tie this dog to a post????? |
My momma didn't know what her was going to do with this handsome pup, cuz I had just come to live at our house two months earlier........and her was 'full up' with FIVE dachshunds at da time.
So, my momma called Uncle Chris and sent him da foto of da puppy. He was 'kinda' looking fur a dog at the time......butt no too seriously. He came over and met da puppy, and they fell in love at furst sight!!! YAY!!!!!
He got da name Elvis Pawsley, cuz da morning he was dumped, was da Birthday of Elvis Presley... you prolly heard of him (Notice my momma can come up withs all kinds of dog names fur other peoples dogs.....her is not so good at naming her own. duh. )
Elvis went to live in da Lap of Luxuries at Uncle Chris' house. He fit in really well.......except fur his extreme beagle puppy exhuberence! Butt, many, many greenpapers in dog training later....he is a really good boy (mostly)
Butt da story gets EVEN BETTERS. Uncle Chris was so happy with Elvis, they decided to gets him a partner! So after much shopping, they got a girl dog from
Houston BEAGLE RESCUE. Her name is Whitney (yeppers, just like da Puddles sissie)
Here is Elvis now.......all grown up with his beautiful sissie Whitney. (Note that foto was taken when they both caught in the act of relaxing on da Sofa without invitaion)
Happy Endings always make me tearful............................
And because this post should be da Story of ME......I will give you a brief rundown of how I came to live here at da Dachshund Spa.
My momma was looking and looking at da All Texas Dachshund Rescue website furevers. Her fell in love with da foto of a Beautiful Red Smooth Hair Standard Female, named Vienna. And this is what my momma really really wanted. "A Red Standard Smooth Hair Female Dachshund", please.
When da Head-Most Impawtent - Leader of All Texas Dachshund Rescue came to our house fur a home inspection visit, her met all my brudders and sissies.....and noticed that Sissie Ditto was a WireHair.
Her told my momma that a BIG BATCH of WireHair Dachshunds just came into Rescue because a Texas Breeder had gone out of business.....and they had specialized in WireHairs.
To be honest, my momma was not too excited bout this idea......her wanted da Red Smooth Hair Dachshund.....butt, her didn't want to say NO the Head-Most Impawtent Leader of Rescue, so my momma decided just to go take a look.
Her had to drive furevers to out in da country to visit the Foster Lady. The Foster Lady had about a DOZEN WireHair Dachshunds PLUS a bunch of Rescue Rotweillers.....all in pens in her yard
Well, let me tell you, my momma was in Dachshund OVERLOAD!!!
There were WireHair Dachshunds Swarming all overs her! Her had no idea how to choose one!
So, my momma decided her should go home and 'sleep on it'........cuz the Elusive Red Standard Smooth Hair Dachshund was still on her mind.
My momma told Foster Lady that she would think about it and get back with her...........THEN my momma got ready to leave and walked by the dog pen one more time on her way to the truck (this was when Big Red was actually working)
It was love at furst sight!!!!! Yeppers, my momma fell in love with MY little NOSE and MY little lips!!!
I wasn't da most beautifuls that day, cuz I had lost alot of my furs (prolly poor nutrition at da breeder) and Foster Lady told her I was a nervous type, and very shy......butt NO matters to my momma...WE were meant to be!!!
Thanks to you all fur reading my story............Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!
Hug Your Human Today!!
Love, Minna Krebs