Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Wordless Wednesday - Special Cow Dog Prayer
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Can't Teach a Dachshund New Tricks
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Snoopy Sunday Smiles
Saturday, September 25, 2010
I Wanna Be Like Mango
Monday, September 20, 2010
Trilogy of da Tongue
My momma looked and looked for appropriate pikturs, but as dachshunds, we don't seem to let our tongue hang outs too much. We sorta do da 'snakey' in and out real quick moves.
Butt, my momma perservered (a three dollar word there) and brought out da Cheeze Whiz! Instant tongue foto opportunity!
My sissie, Ditto, in da middle piktur also showed restraint in da use of her tongue, butt
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Avon - The REAL Truth
Friday, September 17, 2010
A Donkeys Work is Never Done - Part I
To be continued.........
Lucy. The donkey with too many jobs to list in one place
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Paws Crossed Fur My Sister to Be
Me and my momma don't know much bout da Heartworm Treatments these days, cept what my momma Googles. Butt, we learned that when her gets thru this tough bit, that her should be good as new!!
Her has to stay at da Rescue Foster until her gets da All Clear....and then her can start packing her bags to move inwith me!!!
Meantime, my momma keeps thinking bout a good name fur her.........hmmmmm, maybes I need a Name That Dog Contest!
Monday, September 13, 2010
GaGa for Lady Gaga
Pawsonally, I now be thinking her has pawsome taste in clothes. I would loves to taste it myself!!!! It is made of MEAT!
Gotta find some of these outfits for my momma. Wonder if da Wally Marte carries em???
A teary-eyed Gaga accepted a Moon Man award for Video of the Year for Bad Romance - one of eight of the night for her - from Cher (wearing a vintage MTV outfit), was again wearing meat
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Where Were You When The World Stopped Turning?
I wrote and re-wrote, and finally decided that all MY words just wouldn't do. So I will just say that I will never forget. And I think Mr. Alan Jackson's song can express my thoughts better.
........and the greatest is love..
Thursday, September 9, 2010
DING DONG Avon Calling
Customer 2 writes: I was often mistaken for the crazy bag-lady type. And many of my friends questioned my sanity at times. But ever since I have begun to faithfully use your line of eye and
So, furrends, you too, can enhance the true you and become more beautiful.
I also have a complete line of the manly colognes and after shaves for all the rugged boy dogs and cats out there.
Feel free to contact me with any and all of your questions and orders!
Your Avon Representative
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
My Brudder Dude's Favorite Commercial
Petsmart wanted Dude for this commercial, butt he wouldn't put his stuffie/wubbba down long enough for da filming! BOL!
Now, da momma in this commercial seems like her threw out a perfectly good stuffie, if you asks me. Her obviously does not know what a Used Up, well worn stuffie looks like...........
May I present as evidence
Now these, dear furrends, are what you call a worn out stuffie! Butt, my momma still expects us to play with them! (and Dude does!)
Hey Momma! Can we go to Petsmart???
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Top Ten Smartest Dogs - Did You Make the List
Disclaimer.....This list be made by some supposed dog expert who obviously is unawares that a dachshund is a dog breed. The author of dis blog (me) not responsible for da opinions expressed by the list maker...
The Top 10 Smartest Dog Breeds In The World:What are the smartest dog breeds in the world? We all love our dogs, and most of us believe our own dog must be the smartest ever. But is your dog's breed known as one of the smartest? We've compiled a list of the top 10 most intelligent dogs ever. If your dog isn't on this list, don't despair. Because sometimes, having a dog with very high intelligence can have its drawbacks. For example, if a highly intelligent dog is left at home alone all day, they can get bored and become destructive and/or neurotic. On the other hand, a dog with limited intelligence can be left at home all day, and not even realize you’re gone until a few minutes before you arrive home! comment by MinnaK....What the??? I be writing a letter of complaint regarding this comment. It be one thing to leave da Doxin off the list....but limited intelligence?!?!?!?
#10 Australian Cattle Dog
The Australian Cattle Dog is a very active breed. They need to be exercised on a regular basis, both mentally and physically. As they were originally bred to herd in cattle in Australia (hence the name), they are freethinking, resourceful, and very protective of their property, including people!
#9 Rottweiler
The Rottweiler, #9 on our list, has a fearsome reputation that is largely undeserved. The Rotti is only average in intensity, and make a great family dog. Not only is the Rottweiler intelligent, but extremely courageous (one of the best guard dogs) and reliable.
#8 The Papillon
Does this dog scare you at all? Well it should, because Papillons are actually a lot tougher than they look! Some would characterize Papillons as a little moody and aggressive, but they are simply very possessive of their masters and “home turf”. It may surprise some that the Papillon is considered one of the most affectionate dogs. Another very intelligent dog, and very easy to train.
#7 Labrador Retriever
An extremely loving, affectionate, and patient dog, the Labrador Retriever is one of the most popular breeds of dog in the world. They love to work, and need a lot of exercise. Without proper exercise, Labs have been known to develop weight problems. Because of their good nature, and love of children and other dogs, they are a very popular family dog.
#6 Shetland Sheepdog
Many Shetland owners swear that their dog has nearly human intelligence! Shelties were originally bred to herd hundreds of sheep and cattle, requiring great concentration and, of course, intelligence. They can be a little wary of strangers and children, but are very loyal and affectionate within their own family. In fact, the Sheltie very much craves human companionship.
#5 Doberman Pinscher
Dobermans are an extremely loyal, assertive, and fearless breed. They have incredible stamina, and love to work (they are one of the top 10 best guard dog breeds) Although known as a dominant breed, Dobermans can vary greatly as far as temperament goes. Some can be quite docile, and even work as therapy dogs in hospitals! Dobermans can be great family dogs too, if trained properly from an early age. Although not vicious, you can count on a Doberman to aggressively protect its master if necessary.
#4 Golden Retriever
Consistently ranked as the most popular breed of dog, the Golden Retriever personifies everything we love about dogs-loyal, loving, patient, great with children and eager to please. With such great intelligence, it’s no wonder that Golden Retrievers excel in obedience competitions and at performing tricks. It should be no surprise that the Golden ranks highly on our list of top 10 most affectionate dogs.
#3 German Shepherd
German Shepherds are extremely intelligent, courageous, and have a very strong protective instinct (they are one of the best guard dogs). As long as they are trained in obedience from an early age by a loving but firm hand, they can be great family dogs, and excellent with children. Because of their intelligence, a German Shepherd needs a purpose or job in life to be truly happy. This intelligence, coupled with their courageous nature make German Shepherds excellent police and search dogs.
#2 Poodle
Yes, the Poodle is at number two. The standard Poodle is highly intelligent and one of the easiest breeds to train. They love to be around people, and really hate to be left alone. Some standard Poodles are good guard dogs, and some can even be trained as hunters! Overall, Poodles are a sensitive, pleasant and happy breed.
#1 Border Collie
Like many intelligent breeds, the Border Collie needs a job to do. If they don’t have a purpose in life or some kind of job, they will not be happy. Border Collies should definitely not be left at home alone all day, and if they are, they can become quite destructive. They need constant companionship, praise, and extensive exercise. So if you work and live in the city, a Border Collie probably isn’t the dog for you! Because of their legendary intelligence, Border Collies set the standard in competitions for such skills as agility, obedience, and of course, sheepdog trials.
So there you have it, did you make the list????
PeeS Thank you for all da Well Wishes about our impending adoption! She is still undergoing da treatment for da evil heartworms, so her will not be available for a few weeks...We will be sure to keep you updated on her progress!
Monday, September 6, 2010
We Are Approved for Adoption
My momma talked to da Rescue peoples today and her was approved for adoption of little blonde girl!! Not that we ever doubted her approval, butt her gets full of da nervousness that we may not be considered as appropriate doxin household! momma has a handicap ramp for us at da back door, so we don't have to walk up three steps....I think that proves her takes good care of us!
Next step is my momma got to setup time to meets little blonde girl in da fur. We can hardly wait!
Now time to start picking out da name. Oh brothers, that could take awhiles.......
MinnaK (big sister to be)
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Could this be my Sister !?!?!
here she is with one of her Foster sisters.....
Poor little girl-and maybe sister to be is undergoing da heartworm treatment right she would not be available until October (my momma birthday that be appropriate)
My momma gonna talks with da rescue peoples and see if she might want to come lives with me..........and then her has to do LOTS of sweetie talking to Uncle Tommy-da Harley Man. He kinda likes to ignore her when she mentions another dog, butt her is planning on putting her best pouty face on.
will keeps you updated...
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Game Day Edition - Week 1
For those of you that don't know much about Texas A&M University, shame on you! Heeeheee, Just kidding.
I am
Texas A&M was for years and years primarily a military school, and only started admitting da women in the late 1960s. It is all well known for its pawsome Veterinary School....and has graduated tons and tons of some of da best Vets in da country!! (if you like Vets that is....)
All this said......Texas A&M is full of Tradition. And one of my momma's most favorite tradition is the mascot, Miss Reveille, 'mam! You can just imagine how much my momma loved being at a school where a dog runs da campus! When her was in college she would get all excited and filled with da nervousness when she would encounter Reveille on campus. (pawsonally, I have heard dat Reveille is kinda 'uppity'....butt my momma don't care. My momma thinks of her as royalty. sigh)
My momma loves Reveille sooooo much, that her furst two dogs after college were two Shelties. Her thought they be like mini-collies and looked like Reveille. THANK GOODNESS, her saw da light and returned to having doxins ever since.
Here be a few photos for your viewing pleasure........

Reveille, the first lady of Aggieland, is the official mascot of Texas A&M University. She is the highest ranking member of the Corps of Cadets
Reveille I came to Texas A&M in January 1931. A group of cadets hit a small black and white dog on their way back from Navasota. They picked up the dog and brought her back to school so they could care for her. The next morning, when "Reveille" was blown by a bugler, she started barking. She was named after this morning wakeup call. The following football season she was named the official mascot when she led the band onto the field during their half-time performance. When Reveille I died on January 18, 1944, she was given a formal military funeral on the gridiron of Kyle Field. She was then buried at the north entrance to the field, as all Reveilles are, facing the scoreboard so that she can always watch the Aggies outscore their opponent. The next Reveille was not added until 1963, and Reveille II begain the tradition of using a female collie.
Reveille is the most revered dog on campus. Company E-2 has the privilege of taking care of Reveille. If she is sleeping on a cadet's bed, that cadet must sleep on the floor. Cadets address Reveille as "Miss Rev, ma'am." If she is in class and barks while the professor is teaching, the class is to be immediately dismissed.
Thank you for bearing with me through this. Momma will un-tie me from da keyboard now that I finished dis post.
Plus, I gotta go check on hers. I hear da gameday battlecry in da other room. sigh.
Whoop! Gig'em Aggies. BTHO SFA!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Our Bright Shining Star, Miss Molly
Thursday, September 2, 2010
We Be Like an Elgin ! Snorts!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Wednesday with Lucy and her Favorite Commercial
Now I bet you think this is going to be a commercial for da Verizon Wireless company, seeing as I am their spokes-donkey and everything.
Butt, noooooooooooooooooooooo!
It be for da Budweiser Beer!! Take a look......
I am really hoping on landing myself a gig like da little donkey in this commercial!! Wouldn't it be GREAT to pull da Beer Wagon around for a living???? (butt, don't let my current employer at Verizon get wind of this....)